02 April 2010

say it ain't so joe.

So it's official, Joe Biden may not be the best politician out there, but he is and always will be, my favorite character in politics. In light of his latest foot-in-mouth moment at Obama's healthcare bill signing, the DNC has turned Biden's blunder, into a marketing strategy. If you may, or may not recall, Biden whispered in Obama's ear that his signing was a "Big Fucking Deal", and of course, since it was Biden, the press picked up the soundbite. So instead of making an apology, and turning against Old Joe, the DNC has been printing this fabulous shirts. Whether you're democratic or republican, you have to admit these shirts are hilarious! I might even have to pick one up for $25!Is it weird that I wish Joe Biden was in my family so he could be that crazy Uncle that runs his mouth during Thanksgiving dinner??

Anyways, I am currently in my hotel in Times Square, NYC using the Free Wifi downstairs. The weather here is AMAZING! It's warmer/sunnier/prettier than it is back at home in San Francisco! Since when does that happen?! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend and great Easter plans! I know we are going to try to get to Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick's Cathedral. I will post more on the trip later!

stay classy,

1 comment:

Imo said...

HAHA what a legend! hed be great at thanksgiving dinner! :)