01 January 2010

cheers to you, 2010

What's my new years resolution? Well, I dont have one. I don't believe in new years resolutions because typically I will forget whatever I resolved to do/not to do after the month. Surely, I believe in goal setting, however, why not change yourself /do something different December 31st, rather than January 2nd? It makes no difference to me. Call me a pessimist, but new years isn't a day to "hit the reset button", but rather a marking point we use to reflect upon and see what we can change. So with that, I've come up with a couple of goals to keep in mind for as long as I remember, lol.

stop being such a pessimist
I find myself more and more irritated by optimism and hate myself for it. Though it doesn't make me an extremely negative person, I don't like the negative aura I give out... no bueno. smile, jesus loves you ;]

pump it up
strengthen myself physically (and mentally) to go strong 365 days and beyond. now that i'm a second semester senior I have more time to go to the gym, workout, go to classes, etc.

i'm finally a second semester senior and accepted into college. need I say more?
WARNING: Do not confuse this with "slack off"

make more time for art
self explanatory, yeah?

what are your new years resolutions/future goals?

stay classy,

currently listening to:
ready, able - grizzly bear

^^currently my favorite song, it's probably on play count 3976491236408321659716235
currently reading/residing on my nightstand: "nine and counting: the women of the senate"


Anonymous said...


Cafe Fashionista said...

My New Year's resolution...carpe diem!!

Happy, Happy New Year my love!! :)

yiqin; said...

I need to be more optimistic too!

YAM said...

lessen the laziness:)


happy new year!