30 December 2009

remember the time

As 2010 is quickly approaching... by quickly I mean in the next 48 hours. I'd like to reflect on the quirky year of 2009. I'd reflect on the past decade, but that'd be essentially looking back on more than half my life... so lets just stick to this year.
I can't say 2009 was my best year... it was probably the worst year I have experienced thus far, in fact. I lost my grandma in November and I dealt with this grief in the most ineffective way possible... which lead me to being diagnosed with depression and bipolarity. These emotional ordeals were no fun to deal with, especially during my junior year.
But lets stop being so down on ourselves yeah?
This year, despite it's tragedies, was nonetheless an important, learning year for me. I've learned what's really important to me. Which is friends and family. Through all of this my life long best friend was always there for me, and for that I am so thankful. Malia is the best friend anyone could possibly have, and her continuous support and love has always gotten me through the rough spots. There's a quote that I have come to find more and more true:

"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will"

Malia is one of those people I have come to realize will always matter... even if we are at opposite ends of the country next year! After all, there's a reason why we've been best friends for 12 years and counting!
Though our friendship, by no means, has been defined by 2009... it has certainly helped me get through the year!
This year I truly found what mattered to me, and who mattered to me. I have lived, I have loved, I have laughed, I have cried.

Cheers 2009!

stay classy,

listening to: try sleeping with a broken heart - alicia keys

27 December 2009

glittering clouds

happy holidays! I hope everyone had a fabulous christmas! gotta love that legitimate family time! I got beautiful presents, but the day after christmas my mom and I went to our nearest Lucky Brand store for their 50% off sale, as we usually do. It was a successful trip! I ended up with two new pairs of jeans, and a new pair of boots I absolutely adore! I'm in love and i cant wait to wear them out! Probably will get to tomorrow.

Anyways, also on the day after christmas, we had a huge get together with a bunch of our family friends. It was nice to see everyone home from college. We had our annual white elephant gift/junk exchange, I ended up with an ashtray. oh joy, right? ahhhh, the holidays have been just grand, thus far... cant wait until new years!

currently listening to: bright neon payphone - cut copy

stay classy,

23 December 2009

my first claymation!

music by architecture in helsinki.

stay classy,

22 December 2009

LA LA land

Well, to start, I'm so glad finals are over! These past two weeks have been so exciting... Lets see, for starters, I got into college! I was accepted into Fordham University in New York, Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, St. Johns University in New York, and Northeastern in Boston. Thus far, I'm leaning towards St. Johns, because they've given me a pretty legitimate scholarship, and Northeastern, because I got accepted under the Journalism major, and I'd be under the school of Media & Graphic Design... and plus, who doesn't want to be in Boston!? I must say I'm fucking ecstatic for college next year.
Anyways, I had a pretty ridiculous weekend down in L.A. with my cousin. Despite our troubles renting a car, hotel room issues, forgetting concert tickets, getting stuck in traffic, almost missing our flight home, it was really fun and exciting! Essentially, this weekend was the epitome of Murphy's Law. I swear to god, everything that could possibly go wrong...did go wrong. But it was nonetheless fun! Our hotel, Loews, was right on the beach, and our view overlooked the Santa Monica pier, and the visiting Cirque de Soleil, so beautiful!

So we spent Saturday night around the Third Street Promenade area shopping, and for dinner. Sunday we spent the whole day in Disneyland... it was so gorgeous! I've never been in Disneyland for Christmas, so I was absolutely amazed to see everything transformed Christmas-y.

Yesterday we didn't have anything really planned, except for the Lady Gaga concert in the evening of course. So we spent the morning/early afternoon walking around Venice Beach, and having an amazing lunch at this beachside grill, and then we went back to our hotel room, got dolled up, and then we were out to the L.A. Live area for sushi before the concert... except my cousin forgot our tickets. So we had to turn around and I had to run back into the room to get them... almost breaking my heel off of my shoe :( But it all turned out okay! We got to the area with time to spare and had out of the world fish at Trader Vics, which was right next to the Nokia Theater. All in all, this weekend was a success! I have no idea what the rest of Christmas break has in store for me. I want to start on a stop-motion movie sometime this week, and possibly a new painting... we will see what happens!

stay classy,

i'm a free bitch

hello little monsters,
Beyond amazing. Lady Gaga's performance last night at the Nokia Live theater in LA was simply mind-blowing! I can't even explain. I felt that I dressed up right in the moderate range, with an H&M off the shoulder tunic with sequined shoulders, leather leggings, and electric blue steve madden open toed booties. There were a good number of people who didn't dress up at all, and there were many people who really got into it, leotard/unisuits, blonde wigs, etc. and some girls (and guys for that matter) dressed up as sluts, simply. The theater was ginormous! Incomparable to anything out here in the Bay Area. I must admit, I was a bit bummed out that Kid Cudi didn't open for her, but that didn't even matter. The show started with Semi Automatic Weapons, I was indifferent. But Lady Gaga opened with Dance in the Dark. She performed for a good 2 hours, with so many hot outfits! My favorites were her madonna like look, and her black feathered outfit.

She was such an amazing performer... no blood, no fire... just amazing dancing, singing, and interacting with fans.

She actually sang a couple of songs from The Fame... and all of her newsongs from The Fame Monster album, except for Telephone. Although the concert almost resembled a rave, her moments on the piano were legitt. She played Speechless and an a piano/vocal only version of Pokerface.

Lady Gaga is SOOOOO my hero, it's not even funny.

more about Lady Gaga @ Nokia Theater L.A. Live
check it! chicka-chicka-whaaaaa?

currently watching: 500 days of summer.

stay classy,

09 December 2009

new art!

Hello loves!
I'm preparing my first semester porfolio, and finished two new projects I haven't posted! So here they are!

This one is a casino royale/gangster theme. I have yet to name it. any ideas? It was just for fun, so nothing special!

This one is my favorite collage yet! I know you can't tell in the picture but it's on a 24x30" canvas. It's a zoohattan/concrete jungle theme. Definitely my favorite!

Ah! Finals next week, should be interesting.

12 days till LADY GAGA! wooo!

listening to: christmas music by trans-siberian orchestra!

thinking about: FINALS!

stay classy,

06 December 2009

oh december.

Ah! December is absolute craziness, thus far. Everyone's getting sick, so I'm avoiding sickness at all costs. I've been so busy the past few weeks, hence I haven't been blogging as often, sadface. I have finals next week, so that probably means even less blogging too! the travesty! Funny though, I'm not stressing out, or nervous about finals, at all... I'm almost waiting for my hysteria to kick in. Whatever. In the next couple of weeks I'll be hearing from a bunch of colleges I've applied to, so I shouldn't be anxious at all, right? Ha. One thing I can't complain about is the weather. I'm pretty sure it's the coldest it's ever been over here, but I love it... it's an excuse for cute coats, jackets, hats, and boots! I love the cold weather... That's why I can't wait to hear from my east coast colleges in the next few weeks... it's where I belong! Today it started raining, which makes this whole weather situation basically 10times better! I love the rain! AND, news reports have said that snow is very possible in the next week. Snow?! In the SanFrancisco/BayArea?! yes! I love december... except the finals part. And another thing I can't complain about? The male faculty member, under the age of 30, at my all girls high school. He's essentially walked into a lions den of hungry girls, and has yet to notice. Let's just say I have an affinity towards older men. ;] oh boy. Ah! I'm feeling really good right now, it's probably the rain... is that weird? Oh well, my ridiculously hyper mood will probably wear off in a couple of days, after all, being bipolar does that to you. Hope you're all enjoying DECEMBER!

15 days till LADY GAGA!

listening to: horchata - vampire weekend
^check this song out! its essentially adorableness in a box with a little bow. kinda. well, it basically explains my mood!
thinking about: my mommy who's in new york! I'm so jealous.

stay classy,

02 December 2009

passion's bruises

BLALOCK'S INDIE PLAYLIST FOR DECEMBER IS UP! yay! I'm excited, as I am currently downloading all 120 songs. beautiful. Today my Zumba class was a success! I loved it, had so much fun, and worked my ass off. It was fanfuckingtastic! Lately I've been not sleeping at all... you know, just involuntarily trying out the lifestyle of an insomniac. Ughh, and usually coffee helps me in the mornings, but not so much. All of this loss of sleep is catching up to me right now... So i'm keeping this post short and sweet!

19 days till lady gaga!

listening to:

-passion pit's remix on this song is on blalock's indie playlist!!!

stay classy,

01 December 2009

sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings

I love december. That means sooner or later there will be a new blalock's indie/rock playlist! beautiful! Today was incredibly nondescript, so dull, so drab, so blah. I didn't get to go to marc jacobs, sadface. What I did get to do was see this amazing piece of art... its a now-time favorite [you know, like essentially the opposite of alltime, now-time just means ultimate... for now ;] It's gorgggg, sooner or later I want to attempt something like this:

by greg gossel

Since I no longer have my favorite yoga class to go to anymore I decided to check out the other classes my gym offers... any thoughts on Zumba? I've been dying to take a Zumba class, and tomorrow I will finally get the chance! Hmmmm, we'll see how it goes! I'm going with a friend so it should be fun, as long as I don't get my ass kicked. cheers to new experiences! love it. Anyways, lately my dog's been suffering from depression... I'm almost positive. Poor baby, she's been so sad and mopey looking all the time... but it kinda makes her adorable. Is it bad that I had to snap a few shots of her being all cute and depressed?
The midlife crisis of Sashi:

poor love.

20 days till Lady Gaga!

i'm listening to: she's got you high - mumm-ra
Whats this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Keep romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high

I'm completely exhausted at the moment, and can't wait to crawl into bed. I absolutely love that feeling.

stay classy,


[today is world AIDS day]

I absolutely NEED to get to a marc jacobs store.... right NOW. I was looking online and found these specially priced beauties!

rubber boots : $28

north south tote : $38

printed snap bracelets : $9

these are just a few of the adorable deals that I want.... no, NEED!
check it out!

more posts later... my macbookbaby is about to die :[

[stay classy]