10 July 2010

shoe porn

"Shoes are the first adult machines we are given to master."
-Nicholson Baker



Giuseppe Zanotti

Salvatore Ferragamo

Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin Ballet Heels
"You can't walk or run in these shoes, they're only made for lying on your back." -Louboutin.
*rawrr... super classy. HA, joke!
it's one thing to wear painful shoes to look gorgeous. it's another thing to wear painful shoes and fail at the gorgeous part. Yuck. I'll bet 10 seconds after that picture was taken A) the girls feet snapped right off, or B) she fell face first into the ground.

Balenciaga Lego Shoes - $4000

No big. Just 4 grand. I think $4000 worth of Legos could make a building that rivals the Great Wall of China. P.S., what outfit could possibly match with these shoes?

stay classy,

03 July 2010

these are a few of my favorite things!

Jessica Kagan Cushman - Nantucket Bracelets

Upon visiting this fabulous website I am greeted with a header that says, "WIT. WISDOM. SERIOUS FUN." I am in for a treat, that I now know. I check out her products... the Nantucket Bracelets, to be exact, and am in for a surprise when catchy little slogans appear on these fabulously classy bangles. This must be love... I'm thinking.
"truly fabulous people never get dressed before lunch time"
"new shoes cure the blues"

"we'll always have paris"

"frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"fashion must be bought. style one must possess"

"when I'm good, I'm good. when I'm bad, I'm better"

"avoid biting when a simple growl will do"

So cute. So classy. I'm a sucker for all things pretty and witty. Check all of these gorgeous pretties that are "part bumper sticker, part tattoo, without the committment", here! Which one do YOU love??

stay classy,