this weekend was quite fantastic, if I may say so. So as you may or may not know, I have been working my ass of in planning my school's winter formal. The theme this year was cirque du soleil. So the week preparing for the formal was absolute hell for me. To be quite honest I wasn't quite sure it was all going to come together. I spent Thursday night at school decorating until 12:30am, so Friday morning was terrible. I even spent Friday until 4pm decorating so I had just enough time to come home, take a nap, take a shower, get ready and go! But it all turned out fabulously! and better than I expected! The juggler/stilt walker was amazing, and the aerialist we hired was ridiculous! I was ecstatic it came together!
the entrance into the gym
Anyways, after the dance was over, me and a couple of friends took a limo to San Francisco where we spent the rest of the night/morning. Needless to say, it was a fabulous night from what I remember. My Saturday morning consisted of recuperating and recovering, and then spending time with my mother who finally came home from London after a week! Unfortunately she's leaving again on Tuesday for New York, but that's a shorter trip. Speaking of New York, I'm off to the East Coast in less than 2 weeks! I'm quite excitedd! Well, I'm exhausted from the weekend so I'm headed to bed. Cheers to you January! May February be Fabulous!listening to headdress - amazing baby
stay classy,
the photos are fab!
and so are you:)
you're effort is worth it:)
nice post. thanks.
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