-The Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas that notoriously pickets the funerals of fallen U.S. soldiers, and is now threatening to picket Elizabeth Taylor's funeral because of her support of the gays and AIDS research. UNCLASSY. Not to mention, a generally terrible, selfish thing to do. Unbelieveable. And you call this a religion...
-On a lighter note, tweens finding love, the Biebs and Selena Gomez.... so long as they keep it PG... CLASSY. I think? Looks like that Bieber fever's cooling down. I'm all for that!
-Tween, Rebecca Black essentially getting bullied on Twitter, etc. UNCLASSY. God, I really do hate that song, but let's face it... this girl clearly dreamed big, and actually got somewhere with her dreams... gotta give her credit for that. But don't mistake that for me giving her credit for writing such fabulous lyrics (Please note the sarcasm).
-The third guy of MDL, Josh Altman, mixing business with pleasure. UNCLASSY. He's quite the shark, AND he has issues with Madison Hildebrand. Who knew that was possible!
How can you not love Malibu Madison? A complete shark. That's who.
-50cent's tweets about Japan. UNCLASSY.
Alright now Fiddy, it was about time for an apology, but instead you came out with this "ignorant" ish. I could run around naked for a week for "shock value" but you don't see me doing that. Hate it or Love it.
-Gwen Stefani, THE Harajuku girl herself, donating $1million to Japanese relief. CLASSY.
"I've been inspired by Japan for many years and have a true love, appreciation and respect for the Japanese people and their culture" - Gwen Stefani
- Underdogs #WINNING in March Madness. CLASSY. Cheers to you Virginia Commonwealth, Florida State, and Butler. Something else that's classy? Brad Stevens. He may be a youngin' but he's definitely a handsome young thaang.
-#WINNING like Charlie Sheen? Ummmm, do I really need to say it? UNCLASSY. Now what exactly is he winning at? Oh Charlie....